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Marauder’s Set Changes Datamined

by - 9 years ago

A few months back I talked at length on how I felt that the DH’s Marauder Set was gamebreakingly overpowered. But I didn’t just complain about it, I actually looked deep into the design of the set and provided some alternatives that could make M6 more manageable.

My first smile came at the  first Blizzcon Diablo Panel, where the devs mentioned they had plans to nerf M6. Can you imagine how happy I was when I read the datamined changes for the next patch. Specially this specific line:


“Sentries cast your Hatred spender when you do and deal 100% increased damage.”


Sentries casting your spenders when you do was exactly the change I had proposed back then. Now the 100% increased damage is really interesting, because I mentioned that DH was going to need a little boost after they nerfed their most viable spec. The 100% increased damage might certainly help at keeping the M6 alive, but it does nothing for alternative builds.

But I’m completely open to the possibility, hopefully the PTR feedback to this and all 2.1.2 changes will allow the Diablo Team to fine tune all the adjustments and leave DH’s in a nice, fun spot.

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JR Cook

JR has been writing for fan sites since 2000 and has been involved with Blizzard Exclusive fansites since 2003. JR was also a co-host for 6 years on the Hearthstone podcast Well Met! He helped co-found BlizzPro in 2013.

0 responses to “Marauder’s Set Changes Datamined”

  1. D1 Fan says:

    Why do you care if a set is fun and people enjoy it? …Taking such glee in it being nerfed? My friend is going to be upset. I get variety is the spice of life… That means maybe they should make other shit better rather than nerfing something fun…

  2. Guest says:

    Sounds more like the author was smiling because their suggested changes were being reflected in the new version of the set. I know I would be pretty excited if something I proposed to Blizzard was used in some way.