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Devil’s Hand May Be Revealed Soon.

by - 10 years ago

I was playing on the Diablo PTR and just so happened to look at the Adventure Mode description. What I saw when I looked at it was this “Select this mode to enable different game modes, such as Bounties & Devil’s Hand” . Now this is interesting because the description just use to say “Play Bounties and Explore” so we can safely assume that this was added recently. Blizzard could be getting this game mode ready for a future patch. Here is the information for Devil’s Hand when it was first datamined along with all of the strings that were datamined. From what we know, Devil’s Hand is a multi-staged quest event that has you collect unique items from many different monsters that are required to create “hands” that net you special rewards along with legendaries. Even with all of the datamined information and speculation, Blizzard still hasn’t given any official confirmation of the existence of Devil’s Hand; so this is probably the most official evidence that we have for it so far.

This is what Adventure Mode looks like now.

Devil's hand

This is what it used to look like.


adventure mode


I think that a lot of people can agree that this is a very positive and exciting sign simply because more end game activities are always a plus. Devil’s Hand has also been a big topic in the community because everyone was wondering what happened to the feature. People have been wondering if it is being developed or if it bit the dust and would re appear in another form the same way Nephalem Trials were turned into Cursed Chest Events. This could also have a connection to why Blizzard hasn’t increased the drop rates of legendaries from monsters, since we will be getting legendaries from slaying monsters, Bounties, Gambling, and possibly Devil’s Hand. Blizzard could be upping the frequency of obtaining legendaries by making them obtainable in multiple ways other than just killing stuff, which to me would make for a more fun loot hunt. I am looking forward to what else Blizzard has planned for RoS that they haven’t talked about. I’d like to hear what you guys think in the comments!

UPDATE: It seems that the Adventure Mode description is from an old build that somehow found it’s way back in according to Nevalistis. Here is the official post.

01/22/2014 08:31 AMPosted by DrothVader

Then again, it could also be an old description that just might have found its way back.

This is actually the case here. It seems the description of Adventure Mode from a previous build somehow wormed its way in to this particular patch. =( I apologize for any confusion this may have caused.




0 responses to “Devil’s Hand May Be Revealed Soon.”

  1. Mauricio Schell says:

    +1 I believe 🙂

  2. randy deresti says:

    More teaser hype instead of fixing the real issues. This game is a piece of trash and belongs in the garbage. If you spend money on this you are a retard.

    • Hotstreak says:

      Stop trying to dictate what people should and shouldn’t buy. If you don’t like the game then stop paying attention to it and move on.

      • randy deresti says:

        I don’t think you understand what dictate means. I said the game is a piece of trash which is my opinion and I said IF you buy it you’re a retard, I didn’t say you better throw that game in the trash and you better not buy it, which would be dictating.